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Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files (generally filled with letters and numbers) which the majority of websites store on your computer or handheld device. These cookies are harmless and cannot cause damage to your computer. Cookies are regularly used to ensure that websites function correctly. Without cookies, website features could not work as they should. Cookies are generally beneficial, making your interaction with websites smoother and much easier.

How do we use cookies?

We may use cookies to remember you when you come back to our site (for example). We do not store any personal information in these cookies at all, not even in an encrypted form. Some cookies may also be set by third parties (such as Google) for statistics and to help us improve the services and products we provide to you. None of these cookies collect personal information that would allow anyone to identify individual users of our site. By using our site you give us consent to store cookies on your computer. If you would rather not consent to this you can easily disable any cookies using your browser settings.

Which cookies do we use?

Cookie Name Purpose
salt, surfer, visit salt, surfer, visit These cookies allow the website to identify distinct visitors to form mechanisms within a session.
__tawkuuid __tawkuuid This cookie allows our Tawk.to chat plugin to identify distinct visitors when browsing our website.
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, __utmv __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, __utmv These cookies enable the function of Google Analytics. This helps us collect and analyse visitor information such as browser usage, new visitor numbers and response to marketing activity. That information helps us to improve the website and to make our marketing campaigns relevant.


This site uses cookies as set out in our Cookie Policy. OK